
Monthly Archives: November 2011

Close call..

Last month a street sweeper in Aurora, Colorado, found hundreds of dental patient records near a dumpster behind a shopping center. The records contained names, addresses, social security numbers and birth dates of patients. What a field day it could have been for identity thieves! While police were able to trace the documents back to a dental practice located nearly 20 miles away, the owners of the practice had no idea how the documents ended up in Aurora. So did …
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How secure is the Hospitality Industry?

After coming back from a fantastic destination wedding in the Bahamas, I asked myself– How secure is the hospitality industry? Most of us associate the hospitality industry with fun activities such as dining out at your favorite restaurant, vacationing at a beachfront hotel, or shopping at your favorite clothing store. But, there’s another side to the hospitality industry that you need to be aware of – how secure is your confidential information at these establishments? Not very secure, according to …
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Why is Data security Important

In any company it is important to pay attention to the details. Understanding new legislation, developing compliant policies and responding to day-to-day questions and issues is enough to keep anyone busy for more than 40 hours each week. Let’s look at the medical and healthcare profession specifically. HIPAA legislation and ensuing rules and regulations have been enacted to protect patients’ privacy, but you have to wonder whether the rules are really being followed when you read articles such as, “28 …
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